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Flowers, so bright and cheerful, raise your vibe without even trying. Edible flowers take that energy into the centre of your being, especially when they also have medicinal properties like the gorgeous nasturtium. Their flowers are bright trumpets, heralding sunny days. As children we used to pick the nasturtium...
The winter can be a depressing period for plant owners. Leaves fall, blossom fades, and a majority of birds and wildlife either migrate or hibernate. At times gardens can become dull, desolate places. Comparably, spring and summer gardens are bustling in with sights, sounds and smells. For those hoping...
Whether you have a big empty space in your yard, or a small patch in a little back garden, the solution to getting an almost maintenance free patch of wonderful colors is to spread wild flower seeds. In today's world, you can get seeds shipped to...
Papaver somniferum poppies come in a huge array of varieties and can offer you an awesome number of options for you garden. Flowers differ in size, hue, and petal texture, allowing you to create a stunning collection of these wonderful poppies. Papaver somniferum, also known...
Since antiquity, flowers have been associated with symbolic meaning. Historically, entire gardens have been created based on the inner meaning of the flowers. Many florists today provide information on the meanings of flowers to encourage this practice. Charts of flowers and their associated symbolism...
Okay you flower addicts, nature lovers and freeloaders, sit on the couch and listen up. It's time for therapy! The experts have confirmed that gardening, my favorite addiction, is therapeutic. Hallelujah! "Horticultural Therapy" is a multidisciplinary program of study involving fields such as...
Hindu mythology is replete with names of flowers. Most of them carry a mythological or spiritual significance. In fact because of their mythological significance, these flowers are inevitable during the worship of a deity. Let us have an insight on some of the flowers considered sacred because of...
Now that the nice weather is here I have been thinking about gardening and speches, and I have realized that they have many things in common ... and not just that they are both hard work ... Do you garden? If so, you probably...
Gardening can be like a love affair. And what better way to express your love than with more flowers? Summer flowering bulbs are a fantastic way to add more blooms to the late summer months. Plus, they come back year after year for lots...
Average temperatures in southern California are at their highest in August making it a challenging month to keep gardens looking their best. Remove Nonproducing Vegetable Plants: We occasionally continue to water vegetables plants that have produced little or no vegetables. By August, most vegetables...

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